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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Son Of Man

 "He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that He must be killed and after three days rise again." (Mark 8:31) 

There are so many people today, who do not understand what their purpose is in life. They live and labor each day, and wonder, if this is what their life is to be about.

If there is one thing we see about Jesus, it is the fact that He knew without a doubt, what His purpose was. In the title "Son of Man" (that He used for Himself), He relates concerning His total mission in this life, in this world.

We find the term used in the Old Testament: 93 times in Ezekiel, and Psalm 8:4, Daniel 7:13. 8:17. Here in our text, Jesus used the term as a Messianic title, and uses it to explain what will happen to the suffering Messiah, as found in Isaiah 53.

In essence, the "Son of Man" came to give His life, so we could have life, abundantly, and eternally. And Jesus set the example for us, to seek God direction, in what He wants us to do in our lives. The Bible is clear that as Christians, we are to be "Kingdom builders". We are to follow the calling of the apostles and be "fishers of men." The work they started, we are to continue. We are to lead people to the "Son of Man" who is the "Son of God", Savior and Lord, of our lives.

Let's not let Satan distract us from knowing, and following through, with our purpose in life. What God has called us to, we must be true and faithful in doing. The Kingdom of God will grow, and those who we minister to, will be blessed. And in our labor, so will we! GP

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