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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Am I First?

"Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love." (Revelation 2:4) 

If someone asked you what you thought was the most important thing in life, what would you say? What is that one thing that means the most to you?

As Christians, we hope to say that our relationship with Jesus Christ is first, and foremost. But when the Lord takes a look at our hearts, and our lives, will He not ask, "Am I First?" "Am I the most important person in your life? "And If not, then, why not?" 

To one of the seven churches in Asia Minor, Jesus gives the church of Ephesus, a strong rebuke. This busy, active, church was commended by our Lord, for doing some things right. * "At the time of this revelation of John, the Ephesian Christians, were now second generation believers; and though they had retained purity of doctrine, and had maintained a high level of service, they were lacking in deep devotion to Christ."

This is where it all begins with a Christian. And it is this relationship with Jesus Christ, that motivates us to a deeper' and stronger, commitment as life goes on. From this precious relationship, we are able to "bear much fruit" for the kingdom of God. (John 15:1-5)

But being too involved in good works, can be a distraction concerning our relationship with our Lord. We can get so busy in serving, that we don't take advantage of our time to worship, and fellowship with Him. Like Mary who took advantage of that good part (being at the feet of Jesus) while Martha was distracted by many things. (Luke 10:38-42)

Let's make time to be in the Word of God. Let's make time to be in prayer, and fellowship with the one who loves us more than we can imagine. Jesus gave His life for us, so that we could have the God's best. Is it too much to ask, to give Him our total time and attention? GP

* Bible Knowedge Commentary (New Testament)

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