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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Father He Didn't Have To Be

"And then all of a sudden Oh, it seemed so strange to me, how we went from something's missing, to a family.
Lookin' back all I can say about all the things he did for me,
Is I hope I'm at least half the dad That he didn't have to be"
Chorus to the song: "He Didn't Have To Be" Written by Brad Paisley & Kelley Lovelace.

 "...having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.." (Ephesians 1:5)

 Dads come in every shape and sizes. And becoming a father is more than just bringing a child into the world, as the chorus of the song above reveals. But our God is an awesome heavenly Father. When man-kind, whom He created turned against Him, He gave His Son to be a sacrifice for the sins of man-kind.

And as the apostle Paul said in out text, God predetermined that we would be His Children, because of His good pleasure. In essence Paul is saying, that God wanted to be our heavenly Father, and to have us with Him for eternity. That should make us feel very special. As His child, I know that God is always caring for me and my family. He opens doors for us, that He knows is best for our well-being.

God could have created us, for many different reasons. But I am glad that He created us, so we could be his children. Yes, "He Is The Father, He Didn't Have To Be!" GP

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