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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Leading The Way

"And He spoke a parable to them: Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch? (Luke 6:39)

 As Christians, what kind of examples are we setting? And if we are in Christian leadership, what kind of an example are we setting for those who are under our care?

The world can rub off on us so easily if we let it. Pride, arrogance, jealousy, and selfishness, can show their ugly heads so strongly.

To be a Christian is to be like Christ. To take on His character, and His compassion for people. I have heard other Christian leaders say: "You cannot lead someone to a place, you have never been." You are one who is blind leading those who are blind.

The world needs to see Christ. If they are not seeing Him in us, what are they seeing? I would be most bold to say, that they are seeing the world, and all of it's deceitful and destructive ways. In the church we try to show a spirit of prominence and prestige. We look for opportunities to promote ourselves, and we neglect the needs of others. Let the lime light shine on us, while others sit in the darkness of despair.

To help those who are headed towards the ditches of this world, is to have a sturdy hand on the truth of God's Word; and a humble hand of outreach, stretched forward to those who are blind in this world.

Others are looking at our lives, and our attitudes. If we are not the beacons God wants us to be, where will people end up for eternity?
He is counting on us to shine for His Son Jesus Christ. This is where the truth is, and this is where the hope is, for today, and for all eternity. GP

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