Our Precious Citizenship Of Heaven
Today as I watch the news, I am bombarded by the news of the mass deportation of illegal immigrants who are not citizens of (this) United States of America. Why is this a big deal today? Because we have a huge amount of people, and some of them are of the criminal nature, who are not citizens of America. Being an American citizen means having legal recognition as a member of the United States. This status grants certain rights and responsibilities. We enjoy freedom of speech, the right to vote, and protection under the law. The responsibilities we have are obeying laws, paying taxes, participating in civic duties like serving on a jury. But we cannot say enough about the many opportunities that American citizens can take advantage of, to live productive, and fulfilling lives.
But when I think about the most precious citizenship we have, I think about the citizenship, we as Christians have. The apostle Paul wrote to the Christians at Philippi:
"For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." (Philippians 3:20)
Because of our acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and Lord of our lives, we have the promise of eternal life. We have the promise of having "every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3) The responsibility of this citizenship involves embodying Christ-like virtues, spreading the gospel, and striving to live righteously. How blessed we are to be apart of the kingdom of God, and to dwell with Him, and with the fellow saints for ever and ever. Are you a citizen today? You can be! Give your life to Jesus Christ today. Repent of your sins, and be baptized for the cleansing of those sins. (Acts 2:38)
Become apart of the family of God, and enjoy the greatest blessings, that only God has to offer!
Photo: nash78690 - Pixabay.com