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Saturday, February 1, 2025

God Remains Faithful

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And the cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22) 

While we endure the remaining cold days of winter, this verse of Scripture reminds us that we are walking in the faithful care of God.

The first thing that Noah and his family did when they set their feet on the cleansed earth, was to worship the God who faithfully cared for them (Psalm 116:12-19, Romans 12:1-2)

 Even though man-kind continues to show an evil heart, God stays faithful to His promise to never destroy every living thing, as He did.
So while the earth remains, it will continue to produce the seed necessary for man-kind's survival. The seasons will continue through their cycle, and day and night will not cease.

 In all of this I see God saying to Noah, and to us today: "No matter what man-kind thinks or does, I am going to remain faithful to My word. I will continue to provide the necessary things, in order for man-kind to not only survive, but to thrive. 

I guess I use this phrase a lot: But God "has not left any stone un-turned"in regards to our care. He continues to take care of us physically and spiritually. The greatest need of man-kind is to have a Savior, to release us from our sin debt. God did that when He sent His only Son to be the sacrifice for our sins.

As winter walks into Spring, let us be encouraged, that the God who cared for us in the times of winter (trials) is the same God who will lead us to the green pastures of Spring and Summer (refreshment)
Yes, our awesome God remains faithful! GP

Photo: Photographer: Anders Jildén
Dimensions:3000 x 2000
Size:3.77 MB
Date added:March 11, 2017
Tags: island, water, deep, sea, ocean, sunshine, sunrise,
sky, clouds, dead sea, rock formation