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Monday, April 2, 2018

A Dreadful Decline

"You have no doubt seen and been startled by headlines such as these… "Christianity Declines Sharply in US, Agnostics Growing: Pew" – Newsmax "Christians In U.S. On Decline As Number Of 'Nones' Grows, Survey Finds" – NPR "Big Drop in Share of Americans Calling Themselves Christian" - New York Times "America Is Getting Less Christian and Less Religious, Study Shows" – HuffPo 
With such powerful and respected news sources proclaiming this sour news, who could possibly doubt the truth of it?" (Is Biblical Christianity on the Decline?/ By Glenn Stanton-Focus On The Family)

In a time when the church needs to hold to Biblical truth, and strongly speak out concerning it, the church is in what I call a "dreadful decline." 

We have done what Satan and the world wants us to do, and that is: crawl in a corner and say nothing, and do nothing. We have the responsibility as the early church did, to strongly influence our culture. We are to be as Jesus taught in Matthew 5:13-16 "You are the salt of the earth...", "You are the light of the world..." 

As the church we are not to let the world affect us, and dictate to us what is right, what is truth, and how we are to cater to the wants and desires of the world. We are to affect the world with the message of Jesus Christ, and bring people to Him for salvation.

We are not to make people comfortable at church services, but be a hospital for those who have been beat up by the world. When the Christian church begins to meet needs, instead of catering to the wants, that is when we will stop seeing a dreadful decline, and we will see an upward display of spiritual growth and maturity! (GP)

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