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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Let's Get Together

"Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:25) 

We have coffee at home, we have food at home, but who likes to spend time eating and drinking coffee alone? There are some that do. For myself, I am a social person. I have always enjoyed getting up early, and having coffee, and breakfast, if time allows, with others who have the same desire. It is a good feeling to be with others, and to share our daily, weekly struggles, and yes try to solve the world's problems in one setting. lol

As I think about our worship as Christians, and our work to reach the world for Christ, it is very clear that the Lord wanted us to do it together. The Lord wants us to worship together, study the Bible together, pray together, and serve Him together. The Hebrew writer in our text says in the opening line of this verse: "Not neglecting to meet together" 

Like coals on a grill, when they are together, they put forth the hottest temperature. When we operate together, everyone doing something different, but yet working to accomplish the same objective; this is when we shine the brightest for the Lord.

Let's look forward to being together with the Lord. There is no feeling like it in the whole world. GP 

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