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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thoughts About Freedom

"Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God." (1 Peter 2:16) 

What will be on your mind today, as you share in the celebration of our nation's independence?

It seems it is always a time for family reunions, cook-outs, parades, special programs. But will we take time to think about how great it is to live in America, and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that other nations do not have?.

Peter writes to his readers, and tells them to enjoy their freedom. Of course he is referring to our freedom we have in Jesus Christ. Just as America became free when we defeated Britain's grip on us during the Revolutionary war; When Jesus died on the cross at Calvary, He broke sin's grip on us. He paid the ultimate sacrifice to take care of our sin debt before God.

Peter instructs his readers to not take our position of freedom, and turn it into an opportunity to sin, and be involved in evil activities. We were saved from sin, to enjoy a feeling of freedom from guilt and despair. We were not saved to just go right back to doing the things that may have been a thrill for us, but is displeasing to God. We were set free to enjoy God's peace, and to take advantage of the opportunities to serve the Lord.

This day is a day, when we can celebrate our freedom as a nation. But greater still, we can celebrate the freedom we have in Christ Jesus; and express to those who are walking without the Savior, that freedom is only a step in His direction. GP

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