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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Why Make It Complicated?

"The Lord Preserves the simple. I was brought low, and He saved me." 
(Psalm 116:6) 

I am not one for big words. I will be reading a book, and come across a word I don't know the meaning of; and I will say to myself. "Sometime I will get the dictionary out, and look up the definition."

It is true, I am a simple minded person. Is that so bad? For me, I am, what I am. But I do question, why those who are giants, in Christian preaching and teaching, use big words, and talk over people's heads, in interpreting Scripture, and explaining the principles of God's Word.

 I don't believe that the Bible is hard to understand, but hard to live by. Why? Because, we have a very tough time submitting to it. We have a choice to make, every time we come across a Biblical principle to live by. Are we going to submit to it, and work it out in our daily living? Or are we going to put it aside, and just do what we feel is right?

I watched a father and his young daughter prepare to leave a store.
He told her, to "take his hand", and she immediately placed her had in his, as they departed. I believe that God made the Bible simple enough, that in obtaining salvation, wisdom, encouragement, strength, and hope, all we have to do is put our hand in His, and receive the truth He gives.

God's Word is not complicated to me (and I am a simple person) so why make it complicated. Let's accept the simple truth, and help others to have the simple blessings, that God's Word leads us to have. GP

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