Helping God's People In Their Christian Walk & Work - - Pastor Gary Patterson
Friday, February 14, 2014
The Christian Journeyman Weekly Report!
I hope that the posts I have been putting on The Christian Journeyman, have been an encouragement to you. I want to remind you that the two-fold purpose for The Christian Journeyman is to help us as Christians, to do as 2 Timothy 2:15 says, to: "be diligent to present yourself (ourselves) approved unto God, a worker (workers) who does (do) not need to be ashamed, rightfully dividing the word of truth." In essence, we as Christians are to know, live, and share the truth of God's Word confidently. We cannot help those who are living outside God's truth, if we don't know it ourselves. Along with the posts that I publish each day, The Christian Journeyman has resource links that are helpful for Bible Study, and preparation for Bible lessons, sermons, devotions, etc.You will find them on the right hand side of the page. We hope that you will take advantage of the information that is available for these purposes. All of the material is available for you to use for personal encouragement and teaching. There is no cost to the material at all. We do ask that you consider being a monthly financial sponsor for the work of The Christian Journeyman. Down below on our page is a PAYPAL ® button you can use to support the work of The Christian Journeyman, on a monthly basis, or whenever it would work out for you. We hope that this will be a full time work, and that we can accomplish additional things in sharing God's truth with the fellowship of believers. We need your financial support to help this become a reality. Thank you so much! Pastor, Gary Patterson.