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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Father's Love, A Son's Response!

"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21) It is the story of a loving father who bestows all of his grace upon a foolish son, only to have it thrown in his face. The ingratitude is great, and the heart of the father is crushed. If we were the father, how would we feel? Words can not describe the hurt that stabs the heart, time after time, an attempt is made to share ongoing grace. The character of God is clear. We have a faithful loving God, who offered His Son, who knew no sin. to step into the sin of man-kind, and be the sacrifice for that sin. Someone had to pay the sin debt for us foolish people, who time after time rebel against God's will. Yes, place, pleasure, power, and possessions, are our constant pursuits; and it doesn't matter who we hurt to obtain them. But the path of these, are of self destruction, and an eternal hell. The prodigal son, squandered it all, and dropped to a level of hopelessness. (Luke 15:11-32) But hope is ours when we receive the gift God has for us through His Son. We have the opportunity to become the righteousness of God in Him. When the son realized how ungrateful he had been. How he had taken for granted what His father offered, compared to the world; he came running back, and embraced a life of peace, security, and hope. Let's not be foolish any longer. Let's embrace the gift God has for us, and really live. Such love as this should really motivate us to place ourselves in the Kingdom of God, and strive to be there for all eternity. And such love should motivate us to share this message of hope with the world. Without it, where would we be? GP