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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

God's Shepherd!

"The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,[a] not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away." (1 Peter 5:1-4)
As a pastor, I take very seriously the word "shepherd." Webster's New World Dictionary simply defines the word; "as one who herds sheep." I prefer the word "care." As "sheep" apply to the church, I look at myself as God's caretaker of His sheep, in my located area. It is a task that is not to be done by compulsion, but willingly. One who is in this area of service, must have a love for people. There are those who are in the ministry, because they want the praise and applause of men. They like to hear the sound of their own voice in the pulpit. And there are those who Peter warns in our text, that are like dictators over the flock, that has been entrusted to them. We as shepherds must be an example to the flock, of how one must live, and serve Jesus Christ. To demonstrate this, one must be among the sheep, to show the principles and priorities of the Christian life. And then Peter tells us as shepherds that one day, when Jesus the Chief Shepherd appears, He will reward us for our work in taking care of His flock. "The crown of glory, that will not fade away." will be ours.(v.4) In God's flock, every member is important, and needs attention. They need encouragement and care. In a family there must be parents to care for the children. I look at my role, as a spiritual parent over the children in the family of God. An awesome responsibility, but one that gives great rewards, and satisfaction. GP