1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
The Apostle Paul makes it plain, in this passage, what the main goal of the Christian life is. In all of our Christian walk, we are to please God (v.1) We are to abstain from sexual immorality, and maintain a walk of holiness. We are to keep the commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are to obey His teachings and keep ourselves pure in His sight. With the world displaying the tempting lures to be involved in sexual immorality, and ways we can take advantage and defraud others, it's hard to maintain this pure way of life the Lord has called us to. There is no doubt that our society has lost control of their passions and appetites. The world we live in, has the "If it feels good, do it" mentality. We are focused on how we can satisfy our mind and body all the time. It doesn't matter what the Lord thinks about it. It doesn't matter how it will harm us, or others. "If it feels good, then were going to do it, and who cares about the consequences. As vessels of dishonor, we are spilling over with lust, and worldly desire. It becomes thrilling for a time, and yes addicting. Who can stop us from this constant path of destruction? Only the Lord Jesus Christ can save us, and help us to be vessels of sanctification and honor. (v.4) To be sanctified means to be "set apart." As Christians we are to be vessels that are set apart for God's glory and honor. We are to display His Character, and live the kind of lives that bring honor to Him. It is to be the main goal and determination of our lives. But in the church today, we have allowed the world to rub off on us, and have allowed what is pure worldliness and sin, to be labeled "Acceptable." How can what Jesus went to the cross to die for, be "acceptable?"
"For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness."(v.7) If we reject this, we reject God, who has given to us His Holy Spirit".. who is our guide and encourager. (v.8) It is a choice that must be made. If you desire what God has to offer, instead of the world, than you must surrender totally to the will of God. You must work with all of your heart to be vessels of sanctification and honor. (v.4) In so doing, you will be eternally blessed. (GP)