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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Love's Security

Love's Security

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us." (1 John 4:18-19) 

When you think about a sincere love that a couple demonstrates, as they walk through life together. When you think about a binding love that a family demonstrates, as they support each other, through the many events of life. In love, there is security.

In love, there is no fear. As Christians, we need not fear the judgment of God, because we have accepted God's love gift to us (His beloved Son) as Savior, and king.

To know that we have placed ourselves in the deep, sincere, faithful love of God, should give us confidence every day, No matter what comes our way in the future, or how severe the trials may be, there should be no torment in our hearts. This we know, without a doubt, that God will take care of us. I ask you, do you feel that confidence in your heart today?

And to go a step further, are you working hard to be God's instrument of love in someones life today? I have always believed that the greatest way God operates in meeting people's needs, is working through His people. Through the faithful love of others, we truly experience the depth of God's love. The love of God, has arms that embrace us, words that comfort us, and feet to walk by our side, every step of the way.

When the love of God is demonstrated in such a personal, and sincere manner, how can the person receiving this love, live in fear? I hope that all of us will be the embodiment of God's love, to others today.

Let God show you today, how secure you can be, in His love! (GP)

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