"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."
(Jeremiah 29:13)
Do we ever think about how awesome it is to communicate with a superior being such as God? That if we seek Him with all of our heart, He will be found, and enter into our hearts and minds.
His presence can be felt, if we come before Him with a humble and sincere attitude. It is great to know that this eternal, all omnipotent, all omniscient, loving being is watching over us 24/7, and longs to fellowship with us. He is always with us, and at the same time He is ahead of us, directing our paths on this uncertain journey we are on.
When we go home to Wisconsin for Christmas. I look forward to being in the presence of loved ones, I have not seen in awhile. I am looking forward to the good time we will have together. As I think about this, I ask myself this question: Do I look forward to the time I will spend with my heavenly Father? Do I long for the good time I will have being with Him.
We need to always remember that God is a person. He has a personality. Yes, He is Creator, He is our Redeemer, and He is our Shepherd. But what I like to think is that He is family. He is our heavenly Father, who wants to spend time with His children.
I remember my father, when he was here, on the average, would call me every two weeks. When he passed away, how I missed his calls. God is not far away. He is just a breath away. And it is a privilege to be in His presence, and to know that we belong to Him. GP
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