Brian Handwerk introduces his article for National Geographic News entitled "What Does "Jihad" Really Mean To Muslims?"(Updated October 24, 2003) "Jihad" is a loaded term-and a concept that illustrates a deep gulf of miscommunication between Islam and the west. There are those in each community who see Jihad as a clash of civilizations-and act on those beliefs. But Jihad literally means "exerted effort" to most Islamic scholars and Muslims, and represents a range of activities."
I am not going to spend this time, in this writing, talking about this misunderstood concept in the Islamic religion. But if it is to mean "an inner struggle within", we as Christians understand this struggle too well. In Ephesians 3:16 the Apostle Paul prayed that God would "strengthen us through His Spirit in the inner man..." This is the place where God dwells in our heart, our soul. The place where God works to help us to be strengthened. *"The Greek word Paul uses for Christ dwelling in our hearts is the Greek Katoikein which is the word used for permanent, as opposed to temporary" We must allow God to control us, and allow His Holy Spirit to dwell in us permanently, in order for Him to strengthen us. To live The Christian life in this world, with all its temptations, and worldly enticements, is of great difficulty. We need the Holy Spirit to help us to know God's will for our lives. The Holy Spirit works primarily through the Word of God; and When we make ourselves available to it, it produces great spiritual growth. But apart from it, it leaves us vulnerable to all the devices Satan has, to ruin us for eternity. Yes, we know the inner struggle. But victory is ours, when we know, and apply the mighty power of the Word of God, for our lives. GP
(*The Daily Bible Study Series, William Barclay - The Letters To Galatians And Ephesians)