My sermon this week is entitled:
"People Need The Lord"
This message is based on the words of a song recorded some years back by Steve Green. The idea for this message was prompted by a senseless shooting that took place, in a town not too far, from where we live.
If people who commit such crimes would have known the Lord Jesus Christ, they would have never been in a situation like this to start with. Even though I read that crime has decreased from prior years, it still is so sad to see people destroying their lives, by taking the lives of others.
In this message I mention. not only the problem of crime, but of drug and alcohol abuse, marriage problems, and the break up of the home.
For these problems, and much more, Jesus has the answers. He said that "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto to the Father but by Me."(John 14:6)
Jesus is the light of life in this dark world.
He can be the light you need in your dark world. The artist paints a scene of a house in the midst of a snow storm. The house is covered with snow, and the scene looks very sad and lonely. But with just a stroke of a yellow crayon, the artist places a light in one of the front windows. With just one stroke, the scene is transformed from one of sadness, to one of comfort and cheer.
That's what Jesus can do for people in the darkness of their lives.
People need the Lord! And We need to be like that artist, showing the light of Jesus, to all who are walking in despair in this life.
If you would like a copy of this message, email me at: