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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, June 20, 2022

A Lesson From A Fig Tree


Luke 13:6-9 Jesus gives us a very good lesson in this parable of the barren fig tree. This fig tree had a very favored position, because it was planted in a vineyard instead of by the road. The soil was better, and this fig tree had opportunity to be very productive. But sadly it was not producing any fruit, and was in jeopardy of being cut down, and taken out. 

What does this say to us as Christians? We have been planted in the soil of God's Word. We have opportunity to produce good fruit for our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been given a place of potential, an opportunity to use all the resources made available to us by the Lord to mightily live and serve Him. And yet we fail to make use of it, because we are so involved in the pursuits of this world. 

The lesson of this parable calls us to be useful for the Lord. To be all that He has called us to be. To make a difference in this world for Him. 
There are three points of this parable that stand out: 

1. It is expected of us to be productive in Christian living and in Christian service. 

2. When we fail, our Lord Jesus, gives us opportunities to redeem ourselves. 

3. But if we ultimately refuse to be of any use whatsoever, than we will face the judgment concerning our lack of productivity. 

It is such a wonderful privilege and opportunity to live and serve the Lord. And if we are open to His leading, He will show us how we can make a difference in our world for Him. It should never come to the place in our lives, where we ignore our calling and potential. 

God is counting on us to not only be useful in His kingdom, but productive. We should gladly and confidently say as Isaiah said: 
"Here am I, send me!" (Isaiah 6:8) GP