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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Higher Than Ourselves


"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14) 

The pitch was thrown. It was a deceitful curve ball, that finally made it's way across the plate. In a split second the batter figured it out, and with a crack from his bat, sent that ball high up into center field.
The center-fielder quickly got himself in position, and successfully caught that ball. 

How does this baseball play, illustrate what the apostle Paul is saying to us in our text today? "The upward call of God in Christ Jesus" is a prize that is: 'higher than ourselves." When we think of accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves, we come up very short in comparison to what God can accomplish in us, and through us. 

It amazes me, the a number of celebrities, who have accomplished a great deal, according to the standards of this world; fame, fortune, pleasure, position, are the ear-marks of their pursuits. And yet they end up taking their own lives, because in the end, nothing in this life is satisfying, or fulfilling. Life becomes empty, and purposeless. 

 But God calls us to be like that center-fielder, who gets himself in position to catch that ball. God wants us, to place ourselves in position to receive what He wants us to have of Himself. Everything that we can receive from God, is a "prize" because it is such a blessing. 

To receive God's salvation through His Son Jesus, His wisdom, strength, love, direction and purpose for our lives, is far better than what the world offers. But it is something we must reach out for. We need to position ourselves with God's Word, and prayer, to receive to ourselves. 

We should realize that in our human form, we are limited, we are weak, and very uncertain about the future. But what we can receive from God, is what we need to live a life that is truly fulfilling. It is that prize that is "higher than ourselves" that is attainable through faith, to reach out and grab it, and have it for all eternity. GP

 Photo: OpenClipart-Vectors/27385 images/Pixabay License/Free for commercial use/No attribution required/www.pixabay.com