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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Sunday, May 8, 2022


"My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." 
(Isaiah 32:18) 

Following the Assyrian invasion the prophet looked forward (for the people of Israel) to a place of peaceful habitation.

When I think of home, I think about that peaceful habitation. That place where we find privacy, rest, and peace. I have experienced these things, in the long period of time being in one place, and the moving from place to place. In both, I have found my place of solitude, and peace, away from the battles and challenges of the world. 

Someone has said that: "The most beautiful word in the English language is "Home." 

As we approach "Memorial Day" I want to give honor to our men and women in uniform, who are far from their homes, to protect our homes here in America. And to remember those who sacrificed their lives on foreign soil, to fight the fight of freedom, and to protect our precious national home of America.

I am proud to be an American. To call this land my home. I pray that it will always be the peaceful habitation that God meant for it to be.

The best way that we can help to keep it this way, is to live lives of righteousness. To live our lives according to the Word, and will of God.
To love God, and to love one another, will help keep America a peaceful habitation.

A place where our people of protection, will proudly, and gladly, fight to keep it this way! GP

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