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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Can It Happen Today?

"And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47b) 

According to data released by the 21st Century Christian (a publisher that tracks Church of Christ demographics, indicated the rate of decrease greatly accelerated over the last 3 years. Over 2000 people departing and over 9 congregations dissolving each and every month, on average, for the last 3 years. (Authentic Theology - From an article by Steve Gardner - The Code Blue Church of Christ: 2018 Report Shows Accelerated Membership Decline) 

What did the Early Church do, that we as Churches of Christ are not doing today? Looking at Acts 2:42-47, They were....
1. Devoted (Continued steadfastly (v. 42)
2. Inspired (at the many wonders and signs (v. 43)
3. Interactive (They were together, & had all things in common) (v. 44)
4. Supportive (Shared all that they had, and all needs were met. (v. 45)
5. Hospitable and Humble (v. 46)
6. Thankful (Praising God) (v. 47)
7. Loving (Having favor with all the people) (v. 47b)
8. As a result of these - The early church grew daily.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, the early church was able to affect the world around them. This church was growing daily, because people desired to have what these early Christians possessed.
A precious hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, and an exciting boldness, to turn the world upside down for Him.

The question comes: Can churches grow like this today? If we as Christians would allow the Holy Spirit to ignite us, as He did the early church. Yes, it could happen today! Are you ready to submit and serve, and see some great things happen in your church today? GP

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