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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Falling Asleep On Jesus

"And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly, And His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. When He rose up from prayer, and had come to His disciples, He found them sleeping from sorrow." (Luke 22: 44-45)

 Have you ever been at a low point in your life, when you felt like sticking your head in the sand? When you wanted to sleep instead of facing the world head on?

Without a doubt, the hearts of the disciples at the Mount of Olives, were filled with sorrow. They finally understood that the time of their dear Messiah's death was upon them. They fell asleep because they were disconsolate, disappointed, confused and depressed. Sleep was a way of escape for them, instead of praying for Jesus, and supporting Him in His time of personal agony.

 Have you ever fallen asleep on Jesus? I know I have. When Jesus has asked me to do His will, because of discouragement, I have fallen asleep, in my fellowship, and service for Him? Instead of being alert, and available to be used by Him, I was just dragging along, in deep apathy.

 If there is going to be any change in us, and in the church, we have to overcome the temptation to enter into an attitude of discouragement and lethargy. As I have made this statement in past sermons. "In the Christian life, there may be times of sorrow, but let there never be times of discouragement." "Why? "Because of the hope we have in Jesus Christ." 

Let's allow the Holy Spirit to ignite us, and help us to be on fire for Jesus Christ, every moment of our lives! GP

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