In Ephesians 2:1-10 The Apostle Paul presents to us The process of salvation. Warren Wiersbe in his book on Paul's letter to the Christians at Ephesus, entitled "Be Rich" shares a picture of the terrible condition of an unsaved person. There are four parts to this picture.
In Ephesians 2:1-10 The Apostle Paul presents to us The process of salvation. Warren Wiersbe in his book on Paul's letter to the Christians at Ephesus, entitled "Be Rich" shares a picture of the terrible condition of an unsaved person. There are four parts to this picture.
1. He/She Is Dead (Ephesians 2:1)
Spiritually dead. Unable to understand and appreciate spiritual things. He/she possesses no spiritual life, and he/she can do nothing of themselves to please God.
Spiritually dead. Unable to understand and appreciate spiritual things. He/she possesses no spiritual life, and he/she can do nothing of themselves to please God.
2. He/She Is Disobedient (Ephesians 2:2-3a)
As Adam and Eve were disobedient in the beginning. Man-kind as been disobedient since then. The three forces that encourage man-kind to be disobedient is:
the world, the devil, and the flesh.
As Adam and Eve were disobedient in the beginning. Man-kind as been disobedient since then. The three forces that encourage man-kind to be disobedient is:
the world, the devil, and the flesh.
3. He/She Is Depraved.(Ephesians 2:3b)
The unsaved person, only desires that which steals, and destroys. The lusts of the flesh, and of the mind will bring one to spiritual bankruptcy, and death. They may think that they can please others, and themselves, but they cannot please God. They by nature are children of wrath.
The unsaved person, only desires that which steals, and destroys. The lusts of the flesh, and of the mind will bring one to spiritual bankruptcy, and death. They may think that they can please others, and themselves, but they cannot please God. They by nature are children of wrath.
4.He/She Is Doomed (Ephesians 2:3c)
In this condition, there is no way that man-kind can save themselves. They need a Savior, to set them free, and set them on a course of spiritual rehabilitation.
In this condition, there is no way that man-kind can save themselves. They need a Savior, to set them free, and set them on a course of spiritual rehabilitation.
And in verse 4 comes two of the most wonderful words:
"But God" who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)...Here is the answer to this terrible condition. The rescue of God's grace.
"But God" who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)...Here is the answer to this terrible condition. The rescue of God's grace.
This is our introduction to God's process of salvation.
We see in this picture Paul shares, of why we need to be saved. I want us in the next few weeks to follow through with God's process of salvation. To see how He works to make us whole again, and sets us on a course of spiritual health, and spiritual hope. GP
We see in this picture Paul shares, of why we need to be saved. I want us in the next few weeks to follow through with God's process of salvation. To see how He works to make us whole again, and sets us on a course of spiritual health, and spiritual hope. GP
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