"But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie
against the truth." (James 3:14)
In a world where selfishness abounds, it is not surprising that it creeps into the church.
I have seen churches that I have served, crippled by selfishness. The conduct we are to display as Christians, is to focus on our blessing others. Our personality, our speech, our actions are to be an encouragement and a help to others. The various gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows to us, are to be used (as The Apostle Paul said)" for the edifying of the body of Christ." (Ephesians 4:12) The focus is never to be totally on us, or our family. The objective is never to be, how can others enhance, or make me and my family look good in the sight of others. There should never be an attitude of envy, or striving to maintain a competitive spirit. There is a destructive path that Christians follow to often. There is pride, and boasting, and then deceit. The enemy can, and will carry us down this path of destruction. It destroys our relationships, our witness, our effectiveness for ministry. Most of all it destroys our relationship with the Lord. A rich man once invited many honored guests for a feast. His own chair, richly decorated, was placed at one end of the long table. While he was away, each guest seated himself according to his own esteem of his position in sight of the master. When time came and all were seated, the master moved his chair to the other end of the table. It shouldn't matter where we are in the Kingdom of God. We should be glad that we are apart of something wonderful and productive. We should be glad that God can use us to be a blessing to others. We have God's love and care. For us, what more do we need? Let's not travel the path of pride. (GP)