"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23
The longer I am a pastor, the more I see an increase in people having problems with people.
In families, in communities, organizations, at work, at school, and yes, at church, I see such conflict. When I look at the fruit of the Spirit, that Paul presents to us in Galatians 5:22-23, it is clear that these virtues are to be evident in our relationships. I believe that we are to allow the Holy Spirit to show us, through the Word of God, how we are to treat one another. If we are in submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are not to treat people in a way that suits us, but we are to treat them the way the Holy Spirit instructs us, no matter how we feel about it. It is called "being obedient to the Word of God". We are to never operate by passion, but we are to operate by principle. There is a lot of selfishness going around these days. That is the enemy's greatest tool. To totally focus on our feelings, and our needs, and totally ignore the feelings and needs of others; is a path of destruction, as far as our relationships are concerned. And Satan is very happy, when we follow that path.
When I look at these nine fruit of the Spirit, I don't see selfishness there.
When I look at a fruit tree, I see a tree that is always giving. Providing fruit for food, providing leaves for a covering for the ground for winter, providing a place for birds to build there nests, so they can raise their families.
God promised that He would take care of us, and he does. The question is, will we establish and maintain that outward focus towards others, at all times. When the nails were piercing our Savior's hands and feet, there was love in His heart for us, who put Him there. Let's not carry with us a negative spirit towards those who have hurt us, or desire to hurt us, let's display the fruit of the Spirit, and see how effectively they will affect our relationships. GP