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Saturday, April 17, 2021

For The Good That I Will Do!

"For the good that I will to do, I do not do, but the evil I will not to do, that I practice." (Romans 7:19) Here the Apostle Paul talks about a spiritual battle within him. The right things he should do, he doesn't, and the wrong things, he knows not to do, he does. If I could say to Paul, "Hey, I have the same problem!" His response would probably be, "Welcome to the human race!" The question comes: How can we win a battle like this? This battle is only won through the Word and resources of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 7:25). Didn't Jesus say, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing."(John 15:5b)? If a limb is severed from a tree, it dies.The same thing happens to us, when we sever ourselves from Jesus Christ. Not only do we lose our joy, peace, strength, and contentment, we spiritually die. I saw a feature on television, about a worldly man, who tried to get it all, and then he did some fraudulent things to try to keep it all. And in the process of this, when he was caught and arrested for his actions, he lost it all. His business, his family, his friends, his life, all lost, because of his selfishness. The key to success in this life, is to embrace Jesus Christ, and to do all that is under the umbrella of His will. Only then will we have success in the things that are right, and eternal. (GP)
Photo by David Castillo Dominici. Published on 04 September 2012