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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Sower And The Soil


The Sower And The Soil 

Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.” (John 8:47)

How great is the frustration of a Bible preacher or teacher, when time and time again they share the Word of God with those in their congregation, and it falls on deaf ears. Some wonderful truths from God's Word are shared, but you wonder and ask, "are they getting it?"

"Being deaf and dead to the Word of God is evidence of not belonging to God. Scripture tells us the Word of the Kingdom of God must bring forth fruit – if not, the blame certainly does not point to the Seed, rather to the poor soil upon which it falls. (https://www.sharing-bread.com)

As a preacher of the Word of God, I have felt this frustration, even to the point of deep discouragement. Where is the fruit of hearing the sermons you put much time in preparation? Why is the congregation not living out the messages I am sharing? Have they determined that they do not want to "be of God?" They are so focused on themselves, that they have no desire to allow God to have a say, in the way they think, and live their lives.

I came to the realization that, it is not the fault of the transmitter, but the fault of the receiver. You cannot force people to accept the truth, of God's Word, and live it out in their lives. As a sower of the good seed, the Word of God, you sow, hoping that the soil will receive it well, and produce good fruit of righteousness. In many cases, it's just like the words of this song that says; "It's easier to sell a lie, than to give the truth away." I say to all the preachers, and teachers, "Don't give up, don't become discouraged; because you never know when you will really touch someone's life with true, solid, Biblical truth. 

"Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel” is a quote from the Bible, 1 Corinthians 9:16. The verse continues, “For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me”. The verse is interpreted to mean that telling the good news is a duty and an obligation that God has imposed on the speaker, and that it would be terrible if they did not do so. 

To a lost, and dying world, we are called to share the Gospel, and to our church, we are called to encourage with the good seed of God's Word. God is counting on us to do this. May the Lord find us "Faithful", no matter the outcome! GP

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