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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Let's Go To School

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7)

 Where I am, here in Iowa, school will be starting next week. Let's offer a prayer, for all the young people, teachers & staff, who will begin school this week!.

To gain much, in the area of learning, means that there must be a submissive attitude. A submissive attitude, leads to an open mind, and heart. To be willing to take in what you see, and hear, and apply it to one's life, is the beginning of the development of productivity, in one's life.

That's is the way it must be in our spiritual life. As our text says: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." We are not going to mature, in our Christian walk, if we don't first, fear the Lord, and allow Him to teach us, what He wants us be and to do. Spiritual knowledge will not come, if there is a wall of pride, and apathy, standing in the way.

There are many people who feel that they have it all figured out.
They do more talking, then listening. There are those who don't believe God exists, and secondly, if He does, He has nothing to say, to better their lives. Talk about delusions!

The state of our society tells me, we have a lot to learn from God.
And it's time that we go to God's school, and get the instruction we need! GP

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