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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

When The Cicadas Sing


When The Cicadas Sing 

 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." 
(Colossians 3:16) 

 "Cicadas, depending on the species, will sing depending on the number and proximity of other cicadas in their area. Periodical cicadas, when there are enough in a given area, will synchronize their songs forming a chorus (a group effort to attract females)."(Cicademania.com) 

    I remember when I started in the pastoral ministry, I was welcomed by the sound of the Cicadas (or locust) in Missouri. They made such a loud sound, but what really impressed me, was their ability to start singing on cue, and stop singing all together on cue. I don't understand about the songs, only that I have learned that they are to attract female Cicadas. 

    In our text the apostle Paul encourages the Christians at Colossae, to constantly be in the Word of God, and "admonish one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs." I truly believe that congregational singing is essential to the development of unity in the body of Christ. When we sing the hymns and spiritual songs together, it helps each member to participate in an unifying effort to proclaim our praise to God, and to reaffirm our beliefs in the principles and promises contained in His Word. It doesn't matter if you are a good singer or not. You can join not just with your voice, but with your heart to a unifying platform of praise to our awesome God. 

    And just like I Love to hear the Cicadas sing, I believe that God loves to hear us sing. He is very pleased when we join together in song for Him. This may sound critical, and maybe old-fashioned. 
It's not that I don't enjoy a good Christian concert, where the Christian music artist, or group, perform various Christian songs. But I believe that when we can get the congregation to sing together, it helps to produce over time, the unity a church needs to have, in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is my opinion, and preference, and you can agree or disagree with it. 

    Paul ends with saying that we are to sing with "grace" in our hearts." The word "grace"comes from the Greek word (charis), defined by Thayer, “that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech.” (Soundteaching.org) It is like in all that we do for the Lord; we do it in our love for Him, and in our love for one another. What great joy comes when when we sing together in love!  

    I have loved Christian music my whole life. I have done it a lot in my ministry career. I truly believe a good music program is essential, especially when we can sing to the Lord together! GP 

1. Have you ever heard the Cicadas (Locust)? What impressed you about their natural abilities?

2. What benefits do you feel come from congregational singing?

3. What should be in our minds and hearts, when we sing together to the Lord? 

Photo: PROD83 - Content License - Free To Use. www.pixabay.com