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Monday, May 8, 2023

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled


Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled 

  "Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Me."(John 14:1) 

  We have heard the words, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." How much consolation are those words, when the tough times become very overwhelming? Jesus had told His disciples, that He is going to a cross, and that He would die for sins of man-kind. He also told them, that one of them was to betray Him. In hearing those words, how do you not "let your heart be troubled?" What is it today that has your heart troubled, and torn in pieces? How does what Jesus told His disciples here, assuring them, comforting them, help us today? 

1. We are to Believe in God. 
Hebrews 11:6 (Please read) helps us with this. It is our faith that pleases God. We are to"believe that He exists, and that He is the re warder of all that seek Him." 
2. We are to believe in Jesus Christ. 
 To believe in Him, and trust Him as our Savior, and Shepherd, all the days of our lives. 
3. We are to look forward to a prepared place. 
We are promised an eternal home we can go to when this life is over. This life is not the end, but really the beginning of enjoying, an eternal home, a new body (1 Corinthians 15:42-43) an eternal peace (John 16:33) 

  No doubt, this life holds a lot of sorrow and pain, because of the trials that come our way. But I like what Jesus says to His disciples, that we need to take to our hearts today: "If if were not so, I would have told you." The words of our Lord, and Savior, are true and faithful. Give all of your life ( all of your griefs and pain) over to Jesus today. He will give you peace, that the world cannot give! GP 

Photo: Nicola Barts - www.Pexels.com