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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, March 6, 2023

Option, Or Priority?


Option, Or Priority? 

 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto to you." (Matthew 6:33) 

  I was watching a movie where the question of praying to God was either an option, or a priority. The lead character in the movie emphatically stated that it should always be a priority to pray to God. 
It does seem that we as Christians live our lives as God is an option, and not a priority. We don't read our Bibles and pray as often as we should. We don't assemble ourselves together to worship God and encourage one another as the Bible instructs us to. How often are we involved in the evangelistic efforts to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How many times do we use our time and talent to serve the Lord? 

  We are like spectators at a sporting event. The players are few, but the spectators are many. Churches attendance is down, many churches have closed. Our Bible colleges have closed their doors, as well as several ministry organizations. You say, wow, you paint a bleak picture!; isn't there a positive side to this? The answer is: There can be? It's time for us as Christians to make God a priority in our lives. 

  Jesus tells us in our text, that we are to "seek first the kingdom of God." This can only mean that we must put the worship, the work, and the will of God, in first place. It's doesn't matter what else is going on, the things of God come first. In seeking first the kingdom of God, we are to pursue righteousness before worldliness. We are to live in the pursuit of godliness, which "is profitable for all things." (1 Timothy 4:8) 

  In essence what Jesus says to us, is that there is no middle ground. You are either sold out to Him, or you are sold out to the world. But the world will not add to you life, but only steal away. The temporary frills and thrills of this world will not satisfy our hungry souls, but rob us of the peace and contentment we are solely longing for. 

  But in following our endeavors to seek first the kingdom of God, He will add to our lives the best blessings He has to offer. And even in the midst of trials, we can experience the peace of knowing His presence, receive his providential care, and embrace our future eternal hope, that the world wants nothing to do with. You can feel very lonely in the world, but never feel alone with God. Placing Him as a priority, will place in our lives the best friend we could ever have. 

Will we today, make God a priority? GP 

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