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Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Challenge Of Change (TCJ eSermon)


TCJ eSermon 

Someone has said, "To think that life was designed so that everything would remain the same, is to mis-understand the very nature of life. We observe without a doubt that the only thing that doesn't change is the certainty of change. Erma Bombeck writes: "No one told me that the empty nest really means have the phone ring, and it's for you, it's having leftovers in the refrigerator that you can count on. It's having hot water in the shower, ice cubes in the freezer, gas in your car, it's like being reborn." 

Theme: What does the Bible say about change? 
What help does it give us to cope with the new things that come into our lives? 


The people of the Bible experienced tremendous changes. 

Abraham - was called out of his homeland and directed to an un-named faraway land. It was several years before he and Sarah settled down in the land God gave them. 

Moses - was raised by his own family, but he was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter. The day came when he was taken from his house and moved into the palace. The after having lived in Pharaoh's household until the age of 40, he became an exile, and fled to the desert where he became a shepherd. At 80, Moses was called by God to go back to Egypt and do his greatest work, confronting the new Pharoah, and leading the nation of Israel out of captivity. 

Ruth - Left Moab, her homeland, to go to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law Naomi. There she would eventually settle down to Palestinian life with Boaz. 

Paul - Was changed from a persecutor to a preacher. 
He was always on the move, in and out of prison, traveling across the Mediterranean world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Was change easy for them? Certainly not! But in each case, God was directing, God was calling, God was leading them to accomplish His purposes. And each one followed through with God's will for their lives. All of us have a specific purpose. And even if we are not sure what God wants us to do at this time, we must be patient, and humble, and place our lives in God's hands. The problem comes when we become very comfortable with the way things are. We come in conflict with God, when we desire to follow our own will, instead of submitting to the will of God. It is important as to how we respond to the way God wants to direct our lives. Are we open to what God wants to do in and through us? Will we continue to be in conflict with Him, and His will for our lives? Or will we submit to His will, knowing that He knows best, what we should do, and where we should go? 

Another Bible person is Job, who had the right response to change. 
The right response came from two things. 1. Job's realistic image of himself (1:21) "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked shall I return there. 2. Job's image of God (1"21b)."The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord." His God was big, an had all authority. 

God has the sovereign right to do with us what He wants to. We may not like that! God has the right to love us, and to use us for our good, and His glory. The people of the Bible met with great changes in their lives; but they had the right response. God you are in control, and as Paul said: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) 

TS. Amid the swirl of changes that may threaten to carry us away, we can always cling to the Biblical promises that: 

 2. GOD DOES NOT CHANGE Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8 

Our circumstances may change dramatically, our entire outlook may be altered. The whole world may begin to look different because of a move, or bad news, a bad decision, an illness that demands some lifestyle changes etc. But the good news is: God never changes, and it is encouraging to know that He will always be there for us. "and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20c) 


As Christians, the Holy Spirit lives with us to guide us, and comfort us, and assist us. Read Jeremiah 23:23-24. God is not far off, but He is near to be there for us, and we go through the changes in our lives. Read Romans 8:26-27 and apply. Now if we have not accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives; when we do, we need to expect that change will take place. 
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 
Read Philippians 1:6 

The Lord Jesus is in the business of changing lives. 
We need to cooperate with Him, so He can save us, restore us, 
and make us ready to meet Him when He comes back to take us home with Him. 

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