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Friday, March 11, 2022

Principles For Holy Living (TCJ eSermon)


TCJ eSermon 
Principles For Holy Living 
Colossians 3:1-11 

A businessman was trying to sell an old factory. The building had been vacant for months. It had degenerated, vandals had broken many windows and kicked in several doors. Trash was everywhere. As he was showing the property to a prospective buyer, the businessman promise: "Before you take possession, i'll repair the windows and the doors, check the furnace and the roof, and get the place cleaned up. "Don't bother" said the buyer. "I'm going to put a new store here, I don't want this old building!" "What I'm after is the site!" 

When one enters the waters of baptism, there is a change in ownership. Jesus Christ is the new owner, and He wants everything new. He doesn't want the old building (the old life). He wants to build a new life. And He wants our cooperation. He wants us to pursue a holy life (a life that is set apart to accomplish God's will for our life, instead of our own. 

Theme: In Colossians 3:1-11 Paul presents 2 principles for holy living. 
The pursuit of a life that is set apart for God. 

1. SET YOUR HEART ON THINGS ABOVE (Colossians 3:1-4) 
Remember that at baptism, you were raised to walk a new walk, talk a new talk, to have a new direction, a new lifestyle, a new purpose. Our focus as Christians (both new & old) is to focus on Jesus, and not on ourselves. Matthew 6:33 says: "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." The trouble is that we focus on the things of earth probably 100% of the time. We play with, preoccupy ourselves with, and end up treasuring "the things of the the world." that never satisfy. 
Ill. A golfer hit the ball into the rough, and it landed on an anthill. The golfer flailed away at the ball, missing every time, but killing hundreds of ants with each stroke. Finally, there were only two ants left. One ant turned to the other and said: "If we want to survive, we've got to get on the ball." The way to happiness (experiencing God's best) is a life that is totally given to Jesus. We had better get on the ball and set our affections on the things of God. (Bible study, prayer, worship, ministry, witnessing, fellowship with fellow Christians). Following through with the goals God has set before us. It is living in the promise that we will more than survive, but we will thrive. We will experience God's best, now and forever. Paul says that as Christians, we have died (to the former life of participating in, and treasuring the earthly things. At baptism, you put to death the old sinful nature, and arose to walk in new life. We died to the old world, and now we belong to God's world. The question is: Which are we paying more attention to? I Like what Paul says in v.4 "When Christ who is your life." Can we say that Christ is our life? 
Ill. I remember visiting a zoo in Minnesota. It was sad to see the eagles sitting on their perches all day long, every day. Those birds were made to fly. At baptism, we were set free from the bondage of sin, guilt, and fear. We were set free to soar above, temptation, above the things that Satan throws in our path like discouragement and despair. God is "the wind beneath our wings", to help us to new heights of progress and blessing. Do we want to to fly, or just stay in the cage of the world? 
TS. The second principle for holy living. 

     (Colossians 3:5-11)

Since we have died to the old life (v.3) it is inappropriate that we should retain any of the old lifestyle. Step by step we must completely root out the elements of the old life. This is the work that Christ begins to do in us. But we must cooperate with Him in accomplishing this change in our lives.
Paul shares with us a list of things to get rid of in (v.5) 
Ill. When we have been working in the garden all day, or mowing lawn all day, do we desire to stay in work clothes that are soiled and carry odors of dust, grease and grime? It doesn't bother some people, they stay in their work clothes for a long time. But it does feel better to be free of them, and enjoy the feeling of being clean.
Every day should be a day of processing this renewal. This process is to involve the rooting out of old attitudes, and passions. Our minds are to become like the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5)
Paul says in Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God." Being transformed, is a process that begins at baptism. Forgiveness has taken place, and a work has begun to help us to be what the Lord intends for us to be. Holy as He is holy! 

So in establishing and maintaining a holy life we are to do these two things:
1. Set our hearts on things above.
2. Put to death the things of the earthly nature. In doing these two things, we will have a Christian walk, that is victorious over sin and destruction, and that is truly blessed. (GP) 

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