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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, March 14, 2022

To Be At Peace

"If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men."     (Romans 12:18) It seems that conflict and controversy are severe plagues upon our society. As Christians, we tend to get caught up in these plagues, as we are forced to deal with various issues brought about by the attitudes, and actions of the world. There are times when we lose our tempers, lose our sense of compassion, and lose our commitment to the character, and principles of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some may ask: "How do you live in peace, when people are so hard to be around, and are hard to deal with?" How do you come off as peaceful when you deal with such selfishness all the time? There are so many times, when you would just love to line some people up, and slap them so hard, their ears would ring for a month...or more! But is that what Jesus would have us to do? He said: "Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake." (Matthew 5:11)   
Do you mean, we have to stand there and take that? Yes!, for the sake of Jesus. In so doing we are showing what is greater. We are showing love, and peace, instead of war and revenge. We will be showing what is productive, instead of what is destructive. The love of Christ is the most powerful force in existence. It will bring a man of huge size and stature to his knees, when it touches a soft spot in his heart. If it depends on us, and it will, let's be at peace.
The results will be remarkable! GP
 Photo by Stuart Miles. Published on 21 June 2013 Stock photo - Image ID: 100179279