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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Finding Peace While We Wait For The Lord's Return (TCJ eBible Lesson)


Finding Peace While We Wait For The Lord's Return 
(TCJ eBible Lesson) 1 Thessalonians 5:1-25 

As I write this eBible Lesson, Hurricane Ian is hitting the state of Florida with a vengeance. It has been placed as a category 4, developing into a category 5 hurricane. With maximum sustained winds of 155 MPH. With the threat of loss of life, and property, how can the people of Florida have peace in a storm such as this? In these last days, we face times of trials and turmoil. While we wait for the Lord Jesus to return to take us as Christians to our eternal home, how can we find peace during these stormy times? 

Theme: In what three ways can we obtain peace, while we wait for the Lord Jesus to return? 
[Two thought questions:] 
1. Do Paul's words about Christ coming as "a thief in the night"( at an unknown time) calm, ot stir up fear? (v.2) 
2. How can people say "peace and safety" when destruction is at their doorstep? (v.3) 
TS. Here is the first way we can obtain peace, as we wait for the Lord Jesus to return... 


1. How would you describe "The Day of The Lord?" (v.2) 
2. How are we to become "Sons of Light" and "Sons of the Day"? (v.5)) 
3. As Christians what spiritual apparel, are we to put on in preparation for the Lord's return? (v.8) 
4. Explain Paul's comparison between being spiritually 'of the day", and being "of the night"? (vv.4-7)
5. How does putting on faith, and love as a breastplate, and hope as a helmet of salvation, help us to prepare for the Lord Jesus' return? (v.8) 
[ How would you tell a non-Christian, about the peace you experience, in your relationship with Jesus Christ?] 
TS. Here is the second way we can obtain peace, as we wait for the Lord Jesus to return... 


 As we wait for the Lord Jesus to return, we have certain responsibilities in the body of Christ. 
1. How can we show respect to and hold in the "highest regard" the spiritual leaders in the church? (v.13) 
2. How are we to live with peace with each other? What does Paul tell us to do? (vv.13-15) 
3. What are some reasons why there is stirfe in the church today? Are we to overcome the path of dis-unity? 
4. How should spiritual leaders deal with problems such as idleness, and timidity in the church? (vv.14-15)
5. In what ways do we show selfishness in the body of Christ? (v.15) 
6. In what ways do we show kindness? (v.15) 
[ In these last days, how important is it that we encourage one another? Why is this essential as time goes on? ] 
TS. Here is the third way we can obtain peace, as we wait for the Lord Jesus to return... 


The apostle Paul encourages the believers at Thessalonica (and us) to be positive. We are not to be a grumbling and complaining group of believers. 
1. What three commands does Paul give here for us to obey? (v.16) 
2. What does Paul mean by "do not put out the Spirit's fire?" (v.19) 
3. When Paul says that the church should "test everything" what does he mean? (v.21) 
4. How are we to keep our "whole spirit, soul, and body blameless, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?" (v.23) 
5. How can we be controled by the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives? (v.24) 

Conclusion: These are not peaceful times we live in, as we wait for the Lord Jesus to return. And just as the people of Florida must deal with the destruction of the hurricane Ian, we have to deal with the temptations and trials, that come our way in these last days. But As Paul encouraged the believers at Thessalonica, he encourages us, to obey the teachings of our Lord, Jesus, and rest in His providential care, as we wait for His return. In Jesus, we can certainly find peace! GP 

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