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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, October 4, 2021

What God Has Not Given Us


"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1: 7) 

We are thankful for so many blessings that God gives us. But there is one thing that God has not given us, that we have come up with ourselves, and that is "Fear". Webster's New World Dictionary defines fear as: "Anxiety caused by real or possible danger or pain." What we see or conceive to be danger that threatens our physical or spiritual being. 

 I admit, I am one who struggles with fear. I am a nervous person. 
We can question whether it is apart of our DNA, and if God did give us this tendency to be afraid, when He created us. But whether we come by it more naturally than others, is not the question. 
The question is: How do we deal with it? 

In our text, we find the gifts that God gives us to deal with fear. 

The first gift is "Power." This power to face our fears comes from God, because God is the power that we depend on to rise up, and face our fears head on. There is nothing that God cannot do in us, and through us, if we will let Him. 

The second gift is "Love" Love gives us more security than we could ever imagine. To know that God loves us, and that our family and friends love us, and can be depended upon for help and support, gives us tremendous freedom from fear. 

And a third gift is: "A Sound Mind" Applying God's Word to our situations, will help us to make right decisions concerning our troubles and trials. To know that we have made the right decisions according to God's truth, will help us to have confidence to get through the storms of life. 

Fear is apart of our make up. And to have healthy fear is not a bad thing. God does not give us any reason to fear, but every reason to trust Him, and to place our lives completely in His Hands. GP 

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