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Monday, August 8, 2022

Are We Wasting God's Time?


Are We Wasting God's Time? 

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men." (Colossians 3:23) 

"A number of years ago, the Associated Press released a study done by an agricultural school in Iowa. It reported that production of 100 bushels of corn from one acre of land, in addition to the many hours of the farmer's labor, required 4,000,000 lbs. of water, 6,800 lbs. of oxygen, 5,200 lbs. of carbon, 160 lbs. of nitrogen, 125 lbs. of potassium, 75 lbs. of yellow sulfur, and other elements too numerous to list. In addition to these things, which no man can produce, rain and sunshine at the right time are critical. It was estimated that only 5% of the produce of a farm can be attributed to the efforts of man. If we were honest, we'd have to admit that the same is true in producing spiritual fruit." (Efforts Of Man And Spiritual Fruit - Ministry 127) 

In light of this study, it still remains that even if we are involved in farming, or developing spiritual fruit, it is essential that we do our part. The apostle Paul, in our text, tells us that in "whatever we do (we are to) do it heartily." 

We are to stop wasting God's time, as well as our time. If we are not committed one hundred percent to our walk with the Lord, and our service for Him, than what is the point of continuing on this apathetic journey? We spend an enormous amount of time coming to church, and hearing sermons about commitment, and yet fail to show full commitment to what the Lord expects of us. Can the Lord use an apathetic Christian in building His kingdom? 

 In the last part of the verse 23, Paul also says that in whatever we do, we are to do to the Lord, and not unto men. In all that we do, we are to do it for the Lord. We are not to first and foremost work to gain the applause of men. And that includes ourselves. It's to never be about ourselves, but in all that we are, and in all that we do, it is to glorify the Lord. 

Yes, in working for others, the Lord wants us to be at our best, and to do our best. It is a witness to our Christian character, and commitment to the Lord's will for our lives. So my question to us today is: Are we wasting God's time, or are we making the most of who we are, and what He has given us to do, for His glory? GP 

 Photo: geralt/24811 images/Pixabay License/Free for commercial use/No attribution required/www.pixabay.com