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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Armor Of Light

"The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." 
(Romans 13:12) 

I remember when I was a student in Bible College, a group of us students did something that I felt was a positive activity on Halloween. Instead of going door to door, and saying "trick or treat" like the youngsters were doing, we said "tract or treat" and we would give out Christian tracks that contained the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What an opportunity to witness, and to share our message of hope.

I remember when Halloween was a fun time for our young people, to dress up in costumes, and go door to door, to obtain candy treats.
Now it is a fearful thing for them to do this, because of the harmful things that people do, to cause hurt, and even death.

The Apostle Paul instructs the Christians at Rome to "cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light." As Christian parents, we do want our children to be safe. But we need to think of ways to take advantage of the opportunity to show the light of Jesus.

Maybe there could be parties on Halloween (that provide Christian tracts, Bible lessons, food, and good Christian fellowship) to introduce, and encourage, other young people, concerning Jesus Christ. It would be a great way to take advantage of this opportunity, to display the light of Jesus Christ!

 Out children would be excited when we as Christian parents would encourage them to "Put on the armor of light", and come up with ways to let the children in their neighborhood know, how valuable Jesus Christ really is. GP

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