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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Where Is The Passion?

"And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude: and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick." (Matthew 14:14) "...not lagging in diligence, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord." (Romans 12:11) 

What moves you, or motivates you in your Christian service? Accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior is the first part of our Christian experience.
The second part is the serving experience.

Lately as I have had opportunity to observe the attitude and actions of Christians, I find that we are fine with out position in Christ, but very apathetic in our practice of Christian ministry and service. The state of our churches is a very strong indication of this.

To have a strong, growing, productive church, that is making a difference in the community, takes the compassion of Jesus, diligence, and fervency in Spirit, the Apostle Paul talks about in our text.

The question that we need to ask ourselves, and as a Christian community is: Are we excited about Christian ministry? Are we excited about what we can accomplish in the lives of those who are walking without the Lord Jesus Christ? Are we excited about meeting needs around us, and in the church?

Where is our passion for the work of the Lord? It's time we get fired up, and explode with enthusiasm in what we can do for Jesus, and for the Kingdom of God? GP

 Photo: banksadam/ 8 images /CCO Creative Commons / Free for commercial use / No attribution required / www.pixabay.com