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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Significance Of Baptism

What is the significance of baptism in the salvation process?

Many have questioned the necessity of baptism. If one wants to have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, all one has to do is call out to Him in prayer, and request to have the salvation provided.

For some faith groups, this is known as the "sinner's prayer." If one humbly, and sincerely asks Jesus to come into one's life as Savior and Lord, repenting of sin, and committing to a changed life, than salvation is given, in Jesus name. Baptism is not apart of the salvation equation, but only a sign that one has answered salvation's call.

When Jesus came to John the Baptist, to be baptized, it was "to fulfill all righteousness" (Matthew 3:15) Here the sinless One sets the example for what all of man-kind must do, to be right before a holy and righteous God.

How can we even approach God without the cleansing of sin. That is what happens when one repents, and is baptized. (Acts 2:38) Peter told the people at Pentecost, that in the process of repentance and baptism, two things are accomplished: 1) There is the remission, (or) cleansing of sin. 2) There is the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

And when the Apostle Paul speaks about baptism in (Romans 6:4) he refers to it as a death (of the sinful nature) and of a resurrection, to walk in new life (a re-birth).

The significance of baptism is that it is a path for us to take to fulfill the " righteousness" we find in Christ, so we can spend eternity with our heavenly Father! (GP)

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