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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The World Has Turned Too Many Times

"But when he came to himself, he said, "How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough to spare, and I perish with hunger." (Luke 15:17) 

A vow we take when we say forever 
Left unattended just dies on the vine 
Now I wonder if forever wonders ever 
if the world has turned too many times. 

(A line from a song recorded by Earl Thomas Conley 
& Anita Pointer entitled:"Too Many Times" 
Lyrics by Tony McShear, Scott Page, Michael Smotherman) 

 A selfish senseless severe word or action, puts too much time between family members and friends. The prodigal son had done this to his father, and to his family. He had acted selfishly, and in the process of time, it had cost him dearly. It brought him to a place of hunger, and possible death. As you read the parable, you will find that the story has a happy ending. But there are those, with similar stories, where as the song says: "The world has turned too many times" They couldn't make things right again. The distance they put between those who they hurt, or of those who hurt them, was too long, and it was too late.

 It doesn't have to be that way. The Lord wants us to take advantage of those opportunities to make things right, and to have renewed relationships. It is a miserable feeling to live with, when the words "I'm sorry can be said, but never heard!" GP

 Photo: Jimmyxrose/ 10 images - CCO Public Domain - Free for commercial use - No attribution required - www.pixabay.com