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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Is God A Servant?

"And so He came to Simon Peter. He said to Him, Lord do you wash my feet?" 
(John 13:6) 

When I think of my grandfather's favorite song: "How Great Thou Art" I am reminded that so much that makes God great, is His love, and willingness to provide the best that He has to offer.

All of nature is designed for the benefit of man-kind. Although we as humans have taken for granted His provisions, and have given glory to ourselves instead of God our Creator. There is no getting away from the fact that God wanted the best for us, and still does.

 In the Gospel of John, we find Jesus washing the disciples feet.
He represents God in this event, because the Son of God, grabbed a towel and basin, and did what a servant was to do, and met a need.
God has done this through creation, through His providence, and most of all, through the giving of His Son Jesus, to meet the greatest need of all. That need was payment for our sin debt. If Jesus had not paid it, with His precious blood, we would still be in our sins, and headed for hell.

The Hebrew writer says: "Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them." (Hebrews 7:25) Notice how Jesus, on behalf of God, is serving us now! "...since He always lives to make intercession for them." Jesus is constantly being a representative for us, before the throne of God. Let us be mindful everyday, that heaven awaits to meet our needs, and always has our best interest at heart!

"Oh how He loves you and me! GP

 Photo: www.turnbacktogod.com