There are times that my thinking is not right, and I make choices and decisions that are based on my thinking, instead of the Word of God. Have you ever done that?
Because of selfishness, we choose to do those things that we feel is right for us; but the question is, are they things that line up with the will of God?
There have been many times that I have been frustrated because things have not gone my way.I developed a plan, and worked the plan, only to see it, after a period of time, fall apart, and vanish away. And I was left disappointed and disillusioned. Have you been there?
Solomon writes, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." In other words, don't trust in yourself, but trust totally in the Lord. Look to His Word for insight on every situation. Take time to pray concerning every situation. Take everything to the master architect of life, before we do anything.
"In all your ways, acknowledge Him." Allow Him to be apart of all things, and let people know that He is apart of all things.
Make it your testimony. And the promise is that "He will make your paths straight" The Lord will open the doors of His plan for your life, He will direct you in the straight paths of endeavor. No longer will you be disappointed and disillusioned because things did not work out the way that you thought they should. Instead they will work out the way the Lord intended.
Lean on the Lord In all you ways. Make His plan your main stay.
He will give you light and direction And joy and Peace will be your possession. GP
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