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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, September 30, 2024

He Watches From The Shore


He Watches From The Shore

"Now when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea; and He was alone on the land. Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by." (Mark 6:47-48)

The disciples did not always have a secure feeling, when they were out in their boat fishing. Out on the sea of Galilee, storms could come up quickly and violently. Here is some information I found that is pertinent to the disciples experience:

Storms on the Sea of Galilee could come up suddenly and violently due to a combination of factors, including: 

Location: The Sea of Galilee is 680 feet below sea level and surrounded by hills. 

Wind: Winds from the southwest can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. 

Air currents: In the evening, warm, moist air from the water rises, while cooler air from the hills descends, creating high winds at the water's surface. 

Water depth: The Sea of Galilee is relatively shallow, with a maximum depth of 250 feet, which can cause larger waves when wind speeds are high. 

I can see why the disciples were very anxious, when they got caught up in one of these squals. But the application I want to get to is this: While the disciples, who were supposed to be at Capernaum by now, were straining against the wind, Jesus is watching them from the shore. He sees their situation, and later He comes to them, walking on the water. Here's the question, does Jesus know where we are, and what we're dealing with in our lives? Indeed He does. He knows the trials and trouble we are experiencing. And when we pray, and ask for His comforting presence in our lives, He shows up. I have felt His strengthening presence in my life many times. The hymn that I posted an article about today, asks the question: "Does Jesus Care?" The answer: 

"Oh, yes, He cares, I know He cares 
His heart is touched with my grief
When the days are weary
The long night dreary
I know my Savior cares"

Today, Jesus is watching you from that eternal shore, and He sees the storms you are in engulfed in. Have faith, if you ask Him to come to you, He will, and through His presence, and providence, He will provide the help you need. GP

Photo: davidyonathan4 - Free for use under the Pixabay Content License - www.pixabay.com