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Monday, July 15, 2024

Where Are We Headed America?


Where Are We Headed America? 

 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!"(Psalm 33:12) 

 As a nation, we are 248 years old. In 1620 the Pilgrims made their voyage on the Mayflower, and set up the Plymouth Colony. One hundred people wanting to establish freedom from the Church of England. 

Through the years America has sought and fought for freedom. And today America is heading down a path where our freedoms are under attack, and slowly disappearing. Our forefathers pursued the path of unity. We were, and are to be "One Nation Under God!" But today we are such a divided country, and hatred is the climate in which we dwell. The senseless assassination attempt on a former president (July 13,2024) tells on how far we have come on our path of hatred and violence. 

 The Psalmist gives us the answer, in which is what our forefathers wanted for us in this great nation. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." America is a gift that was given to us as citizens, from the Lord. It is a privilege to live here in America. Although we are a people who are of many cultures and backgrounds, we are to place ourselves under the will of our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. 

 We may not believe the same way, we may not practice our traditional way of life in the same way. But the first ones to come to this Country, set the precedence, that this is to be "A Nation Under God!" There needs to be mutual respect for that, along with the respect we give all who have the freedom to worship, and conduct their lives, in line with their beliefs and practices. 

 From the Declaration Of Independence, we are encouraged to strive to obtain "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Are we as a nation going down this path? Is this where we are headed? Are we working to make sure that everyone in this nation has the opportunity to obtain these valued things as well? 

 As the Psalmist concludes:"We are a people, whom the Lord has chosen as a heritage." We have a responsibility to be the nation that God has chosen to bless. He treasures us greatly. We are very special to Him. In knowing this, why would we choose to be a rebellious nation, shaking our fist at God, indulging in sinful activities, and pursuing our selfish will, instead of His will for this awesome nation?

Where are we headed America? I hope we discontinue this path that we are on today! GP 

 Photo: FnattaStina - Free for use under the Pixabay Content License - www.pixabay.com