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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Look Of Leadership (Series - Part Two)


The Look Of Leadership - Part Two 
Proverbs 3:5-10 
The Look Of Submission 

Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." 

We continue in the series "The Look Of Leadership." The second characteristic we want to look at is "Submission." Solomon did not specifically set out to teach is son concerning the criteria of leadership; but in the midst of his encouraging instruction, we find five characteristics of leadership embedded in his words. 

Last time we focused on "The Look of Faith", and how important it is to"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding." Now Solomon draws our attention to "The Look of Submission." (v.6) 

In the movie "Coach Carter," in one of the scenes, Coach Carter tries to get across to his high school basketball team, that they should not taunt the players of the opposite team. It was not enough to win, they had to show off to their competition, how great they were, by saying: "Look, I did that!" in essence saying, look how great we are. We see this attitude in the world, and we see it creep into the church. And I have seen Christian leaders, show forth an air of arrogance and pride. Just because you have this position of leadership, does not give you the right to flaunt yourself before others. To give the ones you are spiritually caring for, the idea that they could never arrive to the level of spiritual maturity you have obtained. And the question comes, if this is what is communicated, just how spiritually mature are you as a Christian leader? But I have seen this in churches many times. 

Solomon instructs; Instead of totally focusing on ourselves, we need to "In all our ways acknowledge Him." Who is the Lord Jesus Christ to us? And who are we to Him? He is our Savior, and Lord of our lives. We are to be in submission to Him. How can we ever lead people to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, if we don't acknowledge strongly, and sincerely that He has saved us from our sinful nature, and that He is saving us everyday, as we find victory, in trials and temptations? 
How can they know how essential it is to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, if they don't see it in our lives? 

I have said this to people in the churches I have served; "I preach from the overflow!" What I mean is,  the application of God's Word, must hit it's mark with me first. As a pastor, a Christian leader, I must apply the truth I am preaching, to me first. In that crucial time of study, and preparation, I strive to apply what I am preaching to my personal life. 
In so doing, it helps me to understand where I am, and where I am going, as a Christian. This will help me to be prepared to help those I am serving, to get there as well. 

Solomon, not only gives us the important characteristic of "Submission", but he gives us the wonderful result of this "submission." "And He shall direct your paths." When we acknowledge the Lord in all our ways.", when we submit to His Word, and will, for our lives; no matter where we go, or what we do, He will help us to have the right insight and direction we need, to successfully live this life He has called us to. 

The Look of Leadership contains in the picture, the look of submission. Those who are under our care, need to see, that we are placing our lives under the umbrella of God's wisdom, love, and care. When they see the positive results of having this characteristic, our prayer is that they will see the need to cultivate it in their lives as well. GP 

 Photo: FRANK MERIÑO - http://pexels.com