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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Does God Change His Mind?


"I have seen your tears. Behold I will heal you. On The third day you shall go up to the house of the Lord, and I will add fifteen years to your life." (2 Kings 20:5) 

As Christians we believe that God is in control of everything that goes on in our lives. The outcome of every situation is governed by the hand of our awesome God. At one point God has things headed in one direction, and then because of His sovereign will, He decides on a different destiny for us. Does God do that? 

Let's look at how God worked in the life of King Hezekiah. King Hezekiah was a good and faithful king of Judah. (18:1,2) During his reign he became ill, and the Lord told him that he needed to get his house in order, because He was going to die. King Hezekiah turned to the Lord in prayer, and he wept before the Lord. He was not old, and and felt that he had more to give the Lord, in the position He had placed Him in. 
The prophet Isaiah came to him, and told him, that the Lord would heal him, and add fifteen years to his life. (20:6) Not only that, but the Lord would deliver Judah, from the hand of the Assyrians. (20:6) 

I believe that God knew all along what He would do in regards to King Hezekiah. It was a test of faith for Hezekiah to turn to the Lord in prayer, and petition for his life, and service for the Lord. God honored that prayer, and gave King Hezekiah his life back. 

We must trust the Lord in all things, and accept the fact, that God's will is best for us. It's not wrong to petition the Lord in regard to the challenges in our lives. When things fall in line with our petitions, it is an assurance to us, that this is the will of God. 

In the Bible, at times, God changed the course of His will, because of various factors involved. (Jeremiah 18:1-11, Exodus 32:14) For us, we may not understand, the change of direction, or plan of God at the time; but one thing we can be certain of; God always has our best interest at heart, and He will always take care of us. It is a matter of our solid faith in God. 

Whether we live, or die, we are in the Lord's hands. He is always at work to accomplish His will for our lives. And yes, that should be a great comfort to us! GP 

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