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Monday, March 12, 2018

Dwelling Together

"Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered." 
(1 Peter 3:7) 

If there is one thing that is missing in our society today, it is mutual respect and consideration. Selfishness has become too saturated and dominant in our society today. If we see it strongly displayed in marriage, it's no wonder we see it standing out, in society.

In 1 Peter 3, Peter has good advice for both husbands and wives. How do you dwell with each other? How can you have your life together be as good as it can be?

 Peter uses these single words to help those in marriage understand how to have unity and stability in their life together. Let's begin with the wife. Peter uses the word "submissive" (3:1, 5) In our culture today, that word seems to be an ugly word. It is not a word that infers inferiority, but from the military standpoint, it has the meaning of rank and responsibility. The wife is to place herself under the love and care of her husband, to help him in what he is responsible for, in regards to marriage and the family.

Now to the husbands, Peter uses the word "understanding" (3:7) The husband is to be understanding, and show consideration, not selfishness and disregard. He is to put his wife's needs before His own. Just as Jesus loved the church (His bride) and gave His life for it, the love that the husband is to have for his wife, is sacrificial.

Two words of insight (from the apostle Peter) for couples as they "dwell together."  GP

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