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Welcome To The Christian Journeyman!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Test Of A Christian Leader

"Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood" (Acts 20:28)

Christian leadership always demands self-examination. As the saying goes:
"You cannot lead someone to a place you have never been." 

To be a strong Christian leader of the Church, one must always, examine his/her heart and life, to see just where they are, in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Because it starts there. The more we know the Lord Jesus Christ, and the closer we get to Him, the more we will be like Him, in character, and wisdom. The more we are like Jesus Christ, the better we will be, in leading people to Him, and helping them to maintain a strong relationship with Him.

When we look at how the Lord Jesus works in us, and through us, we see how we are to deal with those who are under our care. Too often we deal with people in our own wisdom, and in our own interests. Jesus looked at people with a heart of humility, and compassion. He tried to look through the eyes of those He was ministering to.

To answer the questions: What are the needs of this person? How can I be a help to this person spiritually and physically? How can I (Like the Lord) make a difference in that person's life? Too me, this is the test of a Christian leader. And we are to test ourselves first, before we take the shepherd's test.

Our desire should be,to be the best that we can be, so that we will provide the best care for those who are looking to us, for their spiritual growth. GP

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